Novus Satus - Sarey & Tri in Beluslan Shenanigans

Original: Legion: Novus Satus Server: Telemachus “Myself and Tri visit Beluslan. Plenty of L55s generally. The only one we seem to have no chance with is Clepti, who I guess is an all-eternal easymode-ranger type who doesn’t want to wander around Gelkmaros as a 5-Star without Transformation up, so comes hunting people 5 levels below him instead. ^^ The players (L55 or otherwise) we fight I assume cannot be all that great since we can kill many no problem even when outnumbered, just stating this in case viewers think I consider this “high ability-level PvP“. It aint. It’s a load of L55s who are struggling to get a handle on their classes I reckon. This is not to mention that I don’t PvP that well on Cleric, in my honest opinion, my attack skills here are not keybound because frankly, it’s just too many binds for me to learn, and I “somehow“ have to fit in my DPS skills around the keybinds for my Healing Tree setup which is far more important for me. Clepti kills us twice, though
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