6:36 - I have a question about your Testolyze. Ive heard you speak about teens using if for acne and hormon balance. Is it suitable for a 17 y/o daughter? She doesnt have severe acne, but her mood/swings/emotional state is way above average monthly mood swings. I dont like the idea of putting her on the pill. Any info/experience on this is highly appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving!
11:03 - A couple years ago I had weight loss surgery which limited the amount of food I can consume. 2 years later I have lost the weight and would now like to gain some good muscle. How can I now eat enough to put on muscle?
15:03 - Does Dave plan on getting Sam Sulek on the show?
17:54 - What exactly happens when you take GEAR - that gives you asudden surge of strength?
20:26 - Alcohol and bodybuilding
22:30 - What was Tony Freeman’s diet and cardio protocol 8 weeks out before the 2008 Olympia?
23:32 - Correlation between testosterone and prostate cancer?
28:50 - Fasted cardio in the