Cantantes: Gabi Nodhal La Venus de Oro y DeCalifornia El Chueko
A VDO Production
Executive Producer: Pete Cerrillo
Directed by: Mario Hernández HERDZ Media and Team
Agradecimiento Especiales:
Muchas gracias a Tony Alejandre de Sueños Callejeroz Music, LA Entertainment Group, Green Queen Eyelene, Mamisol_13, Tee Your Favorite Chola, Lorettavampz_fashion, Cindy Flores Airbrush Makeup, Rubywoo13, and all the low riders, bikes, trucks y gente that showed up. Thank you for the love East Los.
Tema: Fumando Mota
Check out a different version of this video at YouTube: Losmuertosdecalifornia
...or: César Edu Lara Audelio
Contrataciones: Pete Cerrillo
(559) 999-4688
Instagram: @gabinodal
Gabi Nodhal
YouTube: Gabi Nodhal La Venus de OroShow more