Kamaara Number 13🏨कमरा नंबर 13🏡🏢🏚️👻 Scary Horror Story 👻

#creepy #scarystories #horrorstories #motel If You Like These Stories Please Do Like Subscribe Comment & Share. ---------- Lucy, a motel worker, encounters a strange man during a night shift who accuses her of locking him out of his room. She later realizes he had been trying to enter Room 13, where a woman was staying. Days after the incident, Lucy hears a ghostly voice calling her name from Room 13. Upon investigating, she finds the room empty but senses a sinister presence. She discovers that the man must have heard the same voice, which had drawn him to Room 13, haunted by something... evil. --------------- #MotelHorror, #NightShift, #HauntedMotel, #AggressiveGuest, #DisheveledMan, #MidnightEncounter, #KnifeForProtection, #ErraticBehavior, #WildEyes, #LockedOut, #Threats, #TenseAtmosphere, #ChillingRealization, #DarkHallway, #DimLight, #DisturbedMan, #Room12, #Room13, #PoliceArrival, #AloneAtNight, #Suspense, #MysteriousGuest, #SilentMotel, #FlickeringLights, #MutteringThr
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