isak valtersen | whispers

Even though SKAM has been finished for over a year now and may or may not be devastatingly irrelevant at this point, I couldn’t help but make another tribute to Isak i.e. one of the best fictional characters on all of television, imo. Isak has gone through the most development on the entire show and is arguably the fan favorite, though (and correct me if I’m wrong!) sometimes it feels like his story can be glossed over as “the gay storyline“ which isn’t!!! true!!! So I really wanted to highlight some of his other attributes, especially his own mental health and his anger throughout the show. To be honest, I’ve always related quite a bit to Isak (moreso to Even), but this video really really really made me feel more connected to him than ever adlkjfkdds you may or may not see my own emotions poured all over this. I’ve been a mess lately, my friends. M e s s. ANywho, soRRY for the spontaneous and erratic posts! My life is a constant ro
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