조선인민군 제5차 훈련일군대회 참가자들을 위한 모란봉악단공연
Recorded: 2015-04-27 Mokran Video, DPRK
After being away for over 6 months here the band is back in business again, but now without Sonu Hyang-hui. Ryu Jin-a who was absent in autumn 2014 is back as the queen of the evening with several solos. Quite a few new songs, including the “smash hit“ Let’s go to Mt. Paektu are presented. Towards the end they really build up an atmosphere of energy and patriotism. Precisely what the military training personnel will need to train new recruits.
0:00 Intro
0:48 Brilliant fatherland (빛나는 조국)
Text: Pak Se-yon (박세영)
...Ri Myon-sang (리면상) 1947
5:30 My country is the best (내 나라 제일로 좋아)
Music: Ri Jong-o (리종오) 1991
Text: Choe Jun-kyŏng (최준경)
9:22 Let’s go to Mount Paektu (가리라 백두산으로)
Music: U Jong-hui (우정희) 2015
Text: Ri Ji-song (리지성)
13:38 Whether 1000 ri or 10 000 ri (천리라도 만리라도)
Music: Hyon Kyong-il (현경일) 2015
Text: Jo Kwang-chol (조광철)
18:14 My heart (내 마음)
Music: Hwang Jin-yong (황진영) 2015
Text: Mun Chun-sim (문춘심)
21:35 When one loves (사랑할 때면)
24:06 Let the name of the strongest country in the world become well known (떨쳐가자 천하제일강국)
27:52 Medley The Fatherland I protect (내가 지켜선 조국 노래련곡)
33:27 Loving (사랑하노라)
Text: Ri Hye-jong (리혜정)
Music: Sol The-song (설태성) 2014
37:43 World of compassion (인정의 세계)
Music: Jang Chung-sim (장충심) 2015
Text: Ri He-jong (리헤정)
42:16 Following the Party (당을 따릅니다)
46:00 Tomorrow of happiness (행복의 래일)
Text: Cha Ho-gun (차호근)
Music: Rim Kum-song (림금성) 2015(?)
49:00 Even in death, let’s not give up our revolutionary beliefs (죽어도 혁명신념 버리지 말자)
Text: Ri Ji-song (리지성) 2015
Music: U Jong-hui (우정희)
53:32 Celebrating the good health of Comrade Highest Commander (최고사령관동지 건강을 축원함)
Music: Ri Jong-o (리종오)
Text: Choe Jun-kyong (최준경)
(Alternative version recorded in 2014)
55:52 Fly high our Party flag Long live the Workers’ Party of Korea (높이 날려라 우리의 당기 조선로동당 만세)Show more