Zero-carbon Trip in Yeondaedo Island, Tongyeong

#Zerocarbontrip #Gyeongsangbukdo #Koreanet #KTO #Tongyeong Have you ever traveled considering your ’carbon footprint’? participated in Korea’s first ’Zero-carbon Trip’ in a beautiful island on the southern coast called Yeondaedo in Tongyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. On this trip, our mission was to enjoy the beautiful scenaries of the island as much as possible while minimizing our carbon emssion. Check out the video to see what we tried do and tried not to do for 2 days 1 night for the mission! ’탄소발자국’을 생각하며 여행해본 적 있나요? 코리아넷팀은 초가을 어느날 남해안의 아름다운 통영 연대도에서 한국 최초 ’탄소 없는 여행’에 참가했습니다. 캠핑을 즐기되 탄소발자국 줄이기가 목적이었는데요. 이를 위해 코리아넷팀이 1박 2일동안 무엇을 하고 무엇을 하지 않으려 노력했는지 영상을 통해 확인해보세요!
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