CYSSEL - Existential (feat. Hatsune Miku)

「LYRICS」 In the darkness of the night, I find myself lost, Wondering who I am, what is my fate’s cost. The world spins fast, and I lag behind, In this eternal quest, for answers I find. Who am I in this vast universe? What’s the meaning of this twisted traverse? In the existential crisis, I dance in the uncertainty, Seeking a signal, a guiding light for eternity. Where is my purpose, my reason to be? Is this chaotic?, in this chaotic melody, I try to see. Questions chase me, they won’t let me rest, Is there something beyond this fleeting jest? I’m just a dot lost in the vast expanse, Seeking a place in this ocean of chance. What’s the significance of this existence dance? Is everything just a mere happenstance? In the existential crisis, I sail through the storm, Searching for Where is my destiny, my reason to strive? Where is my destiny, my reason to strive? In this maze of doubts, I seek
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