Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Full care guide and tank setup:
Origin - Lake Tanganyika, Africa
Care level - Easy ( it has no special requirements)
Water conditions - 75-82° F, KH 10-20, pH
Temperament - Moderately aggressive(can be aggressive and territorial towards other synodontis species) Its best to keep a lone specimen or a group of 6 .
Size - usually around 15cm in the aquarium, can potentially reach mid 20s with good care and sufficient space.
Diet - Omnivore (not a fussy eater). It will readily accept most of the flake and pellet based foods you feed your cichlids along with algae wafers and pretty much anything it can scavenge within the aquarium.
Tank requirements - 55 gallon (240ltr)(preferably larger) minimum.
Compatibility and tank setup -
This cat fish will work well in most african cichlid setups.
They prefer a sand based substrate(coral sand can help buffer pH)with lots of rock structures to create hiding spaces and places for cover(you will often see these cats upside down clinging to the underside of rocks).
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Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
Spotted catfish with African Cichlids Synodontis Multipunctatus
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