Kay’s Cutz Extra Large Nutcracker & Advent Calendar - From Kreative Kiwi Embroidery

Step by step tutorial on how to make the Extra Large Nutcracker Soldier Applique from Kreative Kiwi Embroidery. Get the design here: #kayscutzembroidery #nutcracker #kreativekiwiembroidery SIMTHREAD DISCOUNT CODES These are long term discount codes for these Simthread products. Simthread - 42 colors thread with stabilizer Kit Simthread - 40 colors with plastic box, Simthread - 63 Brother colors 1000M spools Simthread - 120 colors 1000M spools EU SHOPPERS ONLY You will find a 15% Discount code below for the following items valid until the 31st December 2023 The discount codes will wor...k on the following sites: Code: 42C2021EU - Use it at the checkout. Code: 42C2021CA - Use at the checkout AUSTRALIAN SHOPPERS ONLY 15% off their embroidery the following thread sets: - Simthreads in 63 colors Brother 500 M spools - Simthreads in 63 colors Brother 1000M spools - Simthreads in 40 colors - 500M spools in a plastic storage box- Code: simthread120 at the checkout This code is valid for 1 year from the 20/01/2021 to 20/01/2022 US SHOPPERS ONLY US Store link: Sorry but only the Simthread 42 Threads with tear away stabilizer kit and storage box is eligible for the 15% discount. Use code US: 42C2021US If you need discount codes for more Simthread products please send them a private message on Facebook, tell them you have been sent by Kays Cutz. If you have any problems with this promotion please contact Simthread directly as there isn’t anything that I can help you with. They set and manage any and all Simthread promotions and discounts around the world. You can contact them via their facebook page or group. MY SUPPLIES My fabrics and batting - I use Vilene High Loft Volume Fleece 295 or quilters batting from the Remnant House in the UK: I can’t live without my sharp stabby tool as I call it, is a clay sculpting tool. I bought it in my local craft shop. Amazon do sell them as part of a clay sculpting set but not individually. All my other supplies are from Amazon including my large squizzors. They are listed as aquarium precision pinch action scissors. My small squizzors are REUSER brand and available online but you would need to do a google search for them in your country. I use H2O gone FSL water soluble stabilizer or Brothread wash away, cut away or invisible mesh stabilizer for my stitch outs. OU J’ACHETE MES PRODUITS EN FRANCE Mes stabilisateurs j’achète toujour sur :- Le stabilisateur hydrosoluble: Pour tout qui a un bord brodé =sr_1_5?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=Brothread stabilizer 12x25 yard&qid=1637496642&qsid=258-8458695-3599716&sr=8-5&sres=B00BIGRYSG,B07XYTD8YD,B07DMGW9Z6,B08J452KYF,B07ZD5KSY5,B07DXQ165V Le stabilizateur a couper - Pour tout qui n’a un bord brodé =sr_1_5?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=Brothread cut away&qid=1637497370&qsid=258-8458695-3599716&sr=8-5&sres=B07R4DN7M2,B08D6S4DNZ,B08D6N893Z,B07M6JV3BM,B078KCW216,B085GJ7KYF,B07R6BZCJL,B001701S26,B08J452KYF,B001B0S2BW,B08CHGQ5RB,B08CT4RN8M,B07MC7XJYG,B08J41BSZK,B083CSXT1H,B083BQX311,B001B0S2AS,B07DXQ165V,B07S59LJS4,B001B0S2D0 Celui-ci c’est un stabilisateur doux et souple pour broder sur les vêtements et j’utilise pour la courtepointe parce que ce n’est pas raide a la place du stabilizateur a couper: =sr_1_5?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=Brothread no show mesh&qid=1637497433&qsid=258-8458695-3599716&sr=8-5&sres=B07R6BZCJL,B08D6PMW6C,B091HDF2LJ Entoilage volumineux Vlieseline 295: J’utilise pour tout c’est un entoilage très polyvalent et qui ne s’en mêle pas dans pied pendant la couture. Hoop sizes 4x4 inch - 100 x 100 mm 5x7 inch - 130 x 180 mm 6x10 inch - 160 x 260 mm 8x8 inch - 200 x 200 mm 10x16 - 273 x 404 mm 8x10 inch - 200 x 260 mm 8x12 inch - 200 x 300 mm
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