🛑 Submit your clips: ⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@ ⚫ Links to the original videos: 1. jocostorm09 - --- ( Osage Beach, MO ) 2. Anonymous - --- ( El Cajon, California ) 3. u/LS-CRX - --- [OC] It’s a dual-turn lane... why cut it so close? ( Georgia ) u/LS-CRX - --- [OC] Accord stops for invisible stop sign ( South Carolina ) 4. Cat - --- ( Anaheim , CA ) 5. Jackie - --- ( NW Salem, Oregon ) 6. Rusty45 - --- ( Hartford CT ) 7. MOTO ZUZUKA SV 650 X moto - --- Smart car dumb driver dji gopro biker suzuki motovlog fu moto tesla viral foryou ( California ) 8. Yukaira - ...--- ( ON-402, Sarnia ON ) 9. Nickname - --- ( Provo UT ) 10. Anita Hanjaab - --- ( Boston MA ) 11. Anonymous - --- ( West Side Highway ) Anonymous - --- ( Route 7, NJ ) 12. u/1lf2lv - --- [OC] Holy Sh*t moment for me ( Ohio ) 13. Kurtis Royer - --- Hit and Run near Huntington Beach 11/11/23 at 11:30pm know anything please contact us. ( Huntington Beach ) 14. Just about Everything Else - --- Idiot Driver in Spruce Grove Alberta ( Spruce Grove Alberta ) 15. Ragged Toad - --- Road Rage on I-85 in Durham ( I-85, Durham ) 16. Anonymous - --- ( Riverdale/washington terrace, Utah ) ⚫ My socials: Instagram: TikTok: @dashcamlessons Facebook: ⚫ Intro song: My Country - Ben Bostick
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