🎧 Lara梁心頤2021年最新專輯 #來者何人 已療愛上線!立即收聽:
繼《下雨天》《不敢哭》《滴答》後,張傑再次為Lara打造又一經典抒情搖滾《來者何人》,從「最親密的伴侶」變成「熟悉的陌生人」,「來者何人」是愛情冷卻時一句殘酷的問話。 Lara 提到歌詞以另一個角度來說,也讓她聯想到現代男女習以為常的網路速食戀情,她自己也嘗試過,也曾經以為遇到的夢幻對象能走得長久,後來她發現,真愛是兩個人願意為彼此調頻,一時的火花要怎麼延續是個難題;每個人進入愛情的速度不同,跟相遇的媒介無關,而是自己的真心與彼此當下狀態。而每段「關係」都是讓自己人生謎題明朗化的關鍵,每個從生命經過的人,都是重要的,結果是好或壞的界線其實由自己定義,所有相遇的安排,是為了讓每一個人學習「愛」是什麼,時間會教會我們的。
When “us” becomes “me”, when “my intimate partner” becomes “a familiar stranger”.
It’s then that we realize the best kind of love is one where you can still completely be yourself.
Following “Rainy Day”, “Afraid to Cry” and “Dida”, AJ Chang took part in the production of this emotional ballad “Dear You” for Lara once again. “Dear You” is a song of the same name as her two-part EPs released in July and September 2021, where Lara shows everyone how ballads never get old and are always a classic.
The music video is filmed from two different perspectives, one of the couple’s sweet interactions from when they were in love, and another of the girl post-breakup, sad and lost. The sharp contrast hopes to resonate with the various complex emotions of the girls. But as the song reaches its climax, the girl steps out of the house and heads outdoor, a transition that is also reflected in her emotions as the sadness and frustration is relieved while the lyrics sing “I no longer care, anyone who loved wholeheartedly deserves better.”
On the cold harsh lyrics “Who’s there”, Lara is reminded of how we’ve become so accustomed to internet love relationships these days, and having also experienced it herself, she also once thought she could have a long-lasting relationship with the person of her dreams. Yet it was later that she realized that true love is when you willingly attune to each other’s habits. Sometimes, it’s difficult to keep that momentary spark alight.
Every relationship is the key to making clear the puzzles in your life and every passerby in your life is important, you determine whether things end on a good or bad note. Every encounter in life is a chance for us to learn what “love” is, a lesson taught by time itself.
#來者何人 #DearYou
#Lara梁心頤 #來者何人n!
#LaraLiang #SoWhat30
出品Presented by:NSMG 新湃傳媒集團有限公司
監制Executive Producers:王鑫 Wayne Wang / 黃家亮 Luffy Huang
作詞 Lyricist:張傑AJ /牛奶白 / 黃宣銘/ 余荃斌
作曲 Composer:張傑AJ /牛奶白 / 黃宣銘/ 余荃斌
製作人 Producer: 張傑 AJ
編曲 Music Arrangement: 黃宣銘 .
吉他 Guitar:黃宣銘 .
鼓 Drum : 陳柏州(Mr.Q)
弦樂編寫:林均憲 Shan Lin
弦樂監製:林均憲 Shan Lin
弦樂 Strings: 曜爆甘音樂工作室 Just Busy Music Studio
第一小提琴 First Violin 沈羿彣 Yi-Wen Shen
第二小提琴 Second Violin 駱思云 Ssu-Yun Lo
中提琴 Viola 潘自琦 Tzu-Chi Pan
大提琴 Cello 葉欲新 Shin Yeh
弦樂錄音師 Strings Recording Engineer:張閔翔 Min-Hsaing Chang 助理錄音師 Assistant Engineer:朱品豪 Pin-Hao Ju 錄音室Recording Studio:
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