“Payback” by Aaron Frazer from the upcoming album ‘Into The Blue““, out on Dead Oceans.
Stream/Buy “Payback”:
Pre-order ‘Into the Blue’:
Starring: Aaron Frazer as Himself
Jeff Garrido as Thief
Reed Mayer as Friend
Alex Goose as Goose
Billy Hirsch as Manager
Nate Weston as Scooter Guy
Directed by Eliot Lee
Produced by Henrik Larsen
Creative Director: Marielle Co
Executive Producers: DJay Brawner & Max Rose
Production Company: Tuff
Director of Photography: Matheus Bastos
Production Designer: Alex Johnson
Production Assistant: Anthony Hrusofsky
BTS Photographer: Aa
...ron Arteaga
Edit by Eliot Lee
VFX by Justin Nguyen
Color by Cameron Marygold
Color Producer: Brayden Deskins
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