SDS Baragoku Otome Intense Symphonic Metal Cover || Dolls of Rozen Maiden PB (Signup - OPEN)

Woot-woot!!! So the sped up version is that Lando shared this amazing cover made by “FalKKonE”(please show them support and love, their covers are amazing), and immediately we wanted to do a project dedicated solely on the dolls of the media. We were gonna make it a Collab or Trillab but then we basically said “f*ck it”, and posted a signup on here(mainly bc our studio mascot is the lovely “Kirakishou”). So if you’re interested in showing some love to all the dolls of both the anime and manga, please take a part or two?! -Rin&Lando RULES: 1. ROZEN MAIDEN MANGA/ANIME ONLY!!! This MEP is strictly gonna focus on the dolls of the series. 2. I’m NOT keen on repeats BUT I will allow a doll to repeat only twice(just *do not repeat* scenes), if really necessary! You may mix manga and anime in your parts if you feel like it too. 3. Discord is a MUST; YT has a nasty habit of eating comments so please message either Lando or I through Discord for these reason
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