This is actually a surprise for Geoff Lawton. He is one of my greatest heroes!
- Geoff, thank you for putting together such a well-built PDC. Your blackboard lessons fused with your animation team/video editing really helped convey the lessons.
I was fortunate enough to take his class back in 2017. In March 2018 I received a Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff as a result of completing the online course.
While in the Permaculture design course I realized the need for good data to build designs from. An overwhelming majority of designs out there are piggybacking off of space-derived digital elevation maps. I’ve found those to be as much as 90° out from contour! This lead me to buy a drone, obtain a drone license, and learn how to work with these files inside of QGIS and ArcGIS. I ultimately use the topographical details to design intelligent routes for roadways, as well as spot locations on the property that are most ideal for a home and garden location. I also focus on how to determine the way water passes through your property. You can reverse erosion issues, passively irrigate your garden and orchard spaces, as well as take care of your animals’ watering needs. We need to slow it, stop it, soak it and spread it. We need to recharge our rapidly depleting aquifers. THIS is the way forward.
Immediately after completing the PDC, I sought after computer aided design from Daniel Halsey. I really liked his digital design workflow and mapping techniques. Seriously, if you want to do digital designs, Adobe Illustrator is the platform and Dan is your man. He is our “Hannibal,“ if you will. He leads an international design team, Untied Designers. After studying under Dan for some time, I worked up my Illustrator abilities while providing GIS tech support for his topography. I’ve been building base maps with him for 2 years now. I build these base maps for other designers to build on top of, as well. I’d be happy to work with any designers that need a digital assist. If you aren’t a designer, but would like a consultation for a regenerative landscape design of your place, we have a global team of varying design talent that can put together a comprehensive package for you to build from. Please go to my website or
Facebook page to contact me
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