Thunderhead vs. Fireburst Enchantment Test Request & ACT Logs - Neverwinter Mod 21
Another neverwinter mod 21 request filled, as you can see in the title i compared thunderhead enchantment put her to the PVE test and pull out the ACT or combat tracker logs.
In addition to that i compared it to absolute fireburst enchantment and the results are there, video will be timestamped and you can check the logs for yourself.
I did my best to make tests as fair as possible with 100 percent same conditions repeating them multiple times and numbers always came out as you will be able to see.
On a barbarian thunderhead performed poorly, especially compared to the fireburst and that`s a fact, so i still stand by behind my tests that for AOE DPS enchantment fireburst is number one or top.
If you have requests for particular item, enchantment, or companion place it in the comment section, dm me on discord or join my discord or send me request trough my buisness email that is on my about page.
Thank you for watching, and see you soon. Stay safe, Northside.
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Thunderhead vs. Fireburst Enchantment Test Request & ACT Logs - Neverwinter Mod 21
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