KiCad 8.0 - Project structure, workflow and generating professional documentation

Edit: 01-Oct-2024: updated the template with some fixes volume for those that find the volume too low: KiCAD Template: Amulet HW: Board2PDF: 00:00 Introduction 01:06 Getting the template 02:30 Directory structure 04:59 Library management 06:12 Font and theme 07:01 Text variables (fields) 07:38 Schematic overview 10:15 Project structure (hierarchical) 11:27 Using signal buses 12:27 Using pictures 13:56 Adding comments to schematics 14:25 Making good symbols 15:25 Adding a 3D render to the schematic 20:32 Plotting the schematic 21:45 Board2pdf installation 22:49 Custom user layers for generation 23:34 “Do Not Populate“ layer 26:23 Drill Map layer 28:17 Testpoints layer 29:32 Fabrication layer 32:04 Assembly notes layer 35:08 Dimensions, stackup and fabrication notes layer 37:08 Testpoint lists 42:40 Generating the fabrication document 45:13 Generating the assembly document 47:51 Conclusion
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