There’s Something Very Bizarre About What Just Happened..

There’s Something Very Bizarre About What Just Happened.. 🔸 GΟDRULES LΙNK ΡAGE - 🔹 GΕT ΕΜERGΕNCΥ FΟΟD SUΡΡLΥ WΙTH 25 ΥR SΗΕLF-LΙFΕ - 📲 ΒUΥ ΡRΙNTED VΕRSIΟN ΟF LΟST WΑYS - 🔸 GΟLD AND SΙLVER ΗΕRE - 🔹 HOW ΟUR ΑNCESΤORS SURVΙVΕD W/OUΤ ELECΤRΙCITΥ! - In my video here, I discuss a number of stories that have come out. First, I talk about the heated viral conversation from a day ago and what everyone is saying about it. I play a section from it that it seems many have not seen and it tells you a lot. Next, I talk about this new requirement in the UK to have a license to of course watch TV. Then,
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