【UTAU カバー】世界が終わるまでは(Until the World Ends) 【Ryan Moriyama VOICE Blast -ADULT-】
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YEAH!! i heard that Slam Dunk will have a reboot! OMG I“M SO EXCITED!!!
Slam Dunk was my favorite anime when i was in grade school and i’m still loving it up till now! OMG i cant wait for the remake
so this song was used as ED song or slam Dunk, its around 1992 i guess and its my first time to hear the full version. this song is awesome! thanks to je-kun, who is a fan of that anime too, for making the ust!!! omg
6 months ago 00:00:31 1
中条あやみのポジティブSmileで500号を祝福!|最新号カバーヒロイン| 25ans
1 year ago 00:03:20 1
【スラムダンク】世界が終るまでは… (SEKAI GA OWARUMADE WA) - WANDS /Violin covered by AYAKO ISHIKAWA on Stradivarius
1 year ago 00:04:49 1
snooty “世界が終わるまで” (Official Music Video)
4 years ago 00:03:27 13
Velladon x Mizuki Misumi / Until the Embrace(抱きよせるまで) / from “Love Letter“
9 years ago 00:05:29 13
【UTAU カバー】世界が終わるまでは(Until the World Ends) 【Ryan Moriyama VOICE Blast -ADULT-】