“discovered this thought to be deleted dj rozwell album from some random on soulseek tonight, figured i would reupload it for the heads to my ears the claims of this album being garbage are wildly exaggerated, however i think i understand why it was deleted, as the track “Sold Out“ featured a rant the length of the entire 7 minute long track from WIZARDSONLY directed at a particular senator that i will not name that i imagine would have been an incredibly easy defamation case. As such, it has been replaced with two seconds of silence so that this reupload doesn’t get me sued lol. i’ve also noticed a couple eccentricities from the track reviews by @Pamka_ on twitter which makes me wonder if some tracks on the original version were actually just demos, and these are somehow the real tracks, or if those were the real tracks an some of these are demos. as i’ve not seen the files posted anywhere else i doubt we w
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