(dakana) = first god now god later god BEFORE GOD, (line down the left side of the complete line in the form of an equilateral triangle), NOW GOD, (horizontal line line below in the shape of an equilateral triangle line), NANTI ALLAH (line up the right side of the equilateral triangle) TATA MAHLIGAI CINTA DALAM DADA AN -NAJM, 1 - 18 1. FOR THE SAKE OF THE STAR WHEN IT IS SET 2. YOUR FRIEND IS NOT LOST OR CONFUSED 3. AND THERE WAS NOTHING HE SAID ACCORDING TO HIS LUST 4. HIS SPEECH WAS NOTHING BUT A REVELATION REVEALED 5. WHAT WAS TEACHED BY THE VERY POWERFUL GABRIEL 6. THE ONE WHO HAS AN INTELLIGENT MIND; AND APPEARED IN A CLEAR FACE 7. WHILE HE WAS ON THE HIGH HORIZON 8. THEN HE APPROACHED, THEN GOT CLOSER AGAIN 9. THEN BE IT NEAR THE TWO ENDS OF THE ARROW OR EVEN CLOSER 10. THEN HE DELIVERED TO HIS SERVANT WHAT GOD HAD REVEALED 11. HIS HEART DOES NOT LIE WHAT HE HAS SEEN 12. THEN DO THE PEOPLE WANT TO OBJECT TO HIM ABOUT WHAT HE HAS SEEN 13. AND INDEED MUHAMMAD SAW THE GABRIEL IN HIS ORIGINAL FORM AT OTHER