I’d love to write a big spiel about these clips, because 2022 was a wild one; but truth be told I don’t really know where to begin. A lot of big changes in my personal life; with a fair share of heart warming moments, balanced out by some stressful heart-wrenching ones. This video is purely a collection of loose clips I’ve collected throughout 2022. Most of which were on the backside of an injury, or me just coming out of those post injury spooks. My skating in 2022 felt very stop-starty... just when I would find a rhythm, I’d get injured; mostly because my mind was probably elsewhere. I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself to skate a certain way, or at a certain level, only to find that treating skating like that left me feeling nothing but down when I couldn’t perform to my own expectations; or frustrated I couldn’t perform for the fleeting moments an opportunity to actually get a clip would arise. In a weird full circle, I ended the year with the s
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