T-72BM2: Belarus Launches A Superior Upgrade Of The T-72B
The exhibition MILEX-2023 is an opportunity for Belarus to showcase its latest achievements in the field of defense industry. The “star“ this time is the T-72BM2 main battle tank. This is an upgraded version of the T-72B, which is considered to be not inferior to the T-72B3 in terms of efficiency and superior in some characteristics. The experience of operating Russian tanks on the battlefield has been carefully observed, thereby creating changes for the aforementioned T-72BM2 version.
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12 months ago 00:25:05 3
Почему Т-72БМ2 лучший постсоветский танк... после Т-90М “Прорыв“?
2 years ago 00:06:51 3
T-72BM2: Belarus Launches A Superior Upgrade Of The T-72B
2 years ago 00:01:57 1
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