Dr. Zarev beard transplant 4880 grafts / Д-р Зарев трансплантация на брада 4880 присадки
#FUE #beardtransplant #beardgrowth #hairtransplantresults
Video information - beard transplant 4880 grafts
Beard restoration with 4 880 scalp grafts, transplanted in one session in two days. The final result is 9 months after the transplantation. The patient has no androgenic alopecia.
About us:
Dr. Tsvetalin Zarev graduated from Medical University, Sofia in 2010. He works in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery and has been actively involved in the transplantation of hair follicles - hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and beard in the last 9 years. During this period Dr. Zarev has used manual as well as motorized FUE technique. In the last 6 years, he actively develops and applies a vacuum-assisted technique for hair transplantation.
Contact with Dr. Zarev:
Galatea Clinic
Maestro Kanev Str. N: 4
Sofia, Bulgaria
Mobile phone : 00359878384323; 00359878 529956; 00359878529955
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1 year ago 00:03:07 1
Dr. Zarev beard transplant 4880 grafts / Д-р Зарев трансплантация на брада 4880 присадки