Title of Piece: قالوا احب القس سلامة Qalu Ahabba Al-Qass Salamah
Performer: أم كلثوم Umm Kulthum
Date of Recording: 1945
Composer: Riad al-Sunbati
Poet: ’Ali Ahmad Bakthir
Mode: Saba
Genre: Qasidah
Performances: There are no performances of this piece. It is available only as this studio recording.
Studio Version Available: Yes [1945]
Note: This piece was written for and used in the 1945 film “Salamah”, Umm Kulthum’s fifth film. The film was directed by Togo Mizrahi and released on 9th April 1945. Umm Kulthum played the lead role, as Salamah.
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