Šaban Bajramović - Djelem Djelem (Gjelem Saban Bajramovic)

DISCLAIMER: Contrary to the text in the video, Gjelem Gjelem is not the official anthem of Romani nation (or at least this status is disputed), and the author is Žarko Jovanović, not Šaban. At the time of making the video, i didn’t know better. Apologies. ----- I made this video as homage to late Šaban Bajramović, one of its main popularizators, on the day of his passing away. No copyright infringement intended! PLEASE don’t remove it, you copyright holders. One YouTube play DOES NOT equal one less record bought. :) Besides, in a just world, Šaban would have died rich. But he did not, he died so poor he couldn’t afford a life-saving operation.
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