New lifeboat turntable slipway (1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Crew demonstrates a new human-powered turntable slipway for launching lifeboats quickly Full Description: ENGLAND: East Anglia: Suffolk: Aldeburgh: EXT ALDEBURGH - SUFFOLK Good shots of lifeboat trying out new turntable slipway to be able to pull lifeboat back quickly into position for new call. Good shot of boat sliding down slipway watch by huge crowd LIFEBOATMEN & LIFEBOATS. Aldeburgh lifeboat tries out new turntable slipway. Getting boat back into position for new call. Finally boat seen sliding down slipway into sea Ships and Boats; Safety Devices boat, boats, rescue, launch, sailor, sailors, invention, inventions Background: Crew demonstrates a new human-powered turntable slipway for launching lifeboats quickly FILM ID: VLVA6M4L6UQ71EBUWVR5GY2KZQ43Q To license this film, visit
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