English Conversation Practice - Old Friend and New Friend - Improve English Speaking Skills
English Conversation Practice - Old Friend and New Friend - Improve English Speaking Skills
Welcome to the Learn American English Channel, where you learn naturally so you can speak naturally. We’ll cover useful phrases for discussing past memories and sharing new experiences.
This will give you the tools you need to build and maintain conversations with ease. Scenarios are ideal for anyone looking to improve their English speaking skills. It offers a chance to hear natural dialogue that you can easily apply in real-life situations.
This practice session is designed to enhance your vocabulary and pronunciation. Let’s learn how to greet and introduce ourselves in a friendly manner with confidence!
0:00 - 0:41
The video introduction explains that the focus is on conversations about old and new friends. It includes two parts, with a quiz at the end of each scene, and concludes with vocabulary and slang commonly used in everyday English.
1:04 - 2:18
Isa tells her mom about a fight between her friends, Autumn and Quinn, over who would sit next to her at lunch. Her mom recalls similar experiences with her old friends and emphasizes that close friendships often have disagreements, but they usually pass.
2:18 - 3:03
Isa’s mom reminisces about her own friends, Natalia and Lydia, and how she had to mediate their conflicts. She shares a specific memory about a group project where she blended their opposing ideas, which helped resolve their argument.
4:12 - 5:17
After the conversation, Isa and her mom decide to have ice cream. Listening comprehension questions follow, focusing on why Autumn and Quinn fought, what Isa’s mom suggested, and what treat they chose after their talk.
5:38 - 7:16
Ian tells his dad about his new friends from a camping trip. He describes how he met Ethan during a team challenge and immediately clicked with him. He also met Lily, who entertained everyone with jokes, and Jordan, a photography enthusiast.
7:16 - 9:28
Ian explains that the highlight of the trip was a night hike under the stars with his new friends. His dad encourages him to keep the connections strong, and Ian expresses excitement about possibly going on future adventures with them.
10:08 - 11:16
Vocabulary review covers phrases like “peas in a pod,“ “oil and water,“ and “fish out of water,“ as well as other key words from the conversations. The video ends with a prompt to practice these conversations and subscribe to the channel for more content.
Willkommen beim Kanal Lernen von Amerikanischem Englisch, wo du auf natürliche Weise lernst, damit du natürlich sprechen kannst. Wir werden nützliche Phrasen für das Besprechen vergangener Erinnerungen und das Teilen neuer Erfahrungen behandeln.
Dies gibt Ihnen die Werkzeuge, die Sie benötigen, um Gespräche mühelos aufzubauen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Szenarien sind ideal für jeden, der seine Englischkenntnisse verbessern möchte. Es bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, natürliche Dialoge zu hören, die Sie leicht in realen Situationen anwenden können.
Diese Übungssitzung ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihren Wortschatz und Ihre Aussprache zu verbessern. Lassen Sie uns lernen, wie man sich freundlich und selbstbewusst begrüßt und vorstellt!
Bienvenue sur la chaîne Apprendre l’anglais américain, où vous apprenez naturellement pour pouvoir parler naturellement. Nous aborderons des phrases utiles pour discuter des souvenirs passés et partager de nouvelles expériences.
Cela vous donnera les outils nécessaires pour établir et maintenir des conversations avec aisance. Les scénarios sont idéaux pour quiconque souhaite améliorer ses compétences en expression orale en anglais. Vous aurez l’occasion d’entendre des dialogues naturels que vous pouvez facilement appliquer dans des situations réelles.
Cette séance de pratique est conçue pour améliorer votre vocabulaire et votre prononciation. Apprenons comment nous saluer et nous présenter de manière amicale et avec confiance !
미국 영어 학습 채널에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여기서 자연스럽게 배우며 자연스럽게 말할 수 있게 됩니다. 우리는 과거의 추억을 논의하고 새로운 경험을 공유하는 데 유용한 표현들을 다룰 것입니다.
이 비디오는 대화를 쉽게 구축하고 유지하는 데 필요한 도구를 제공합니다. 이러한 시나리오는 영어 회화 실력을 향상시키고자 하는 모든 사람에게 이상적입니다. 실제 상황에서 쉽게 적용할 수 있는 자연스러운 대화를 들을 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
이 연습 세션은 어휘력과 발음을 향상시키도록 설계되었습니다. 자신감을 가지고 친근하게 인사
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