Bright Days in Miami | Gardner, Fred Gall, O’Dwyer and Crew | OJ Wheels x Skate Jawn

☀️ BRIGHT DAYS IN MIAMI ☀️ To hype up our Skate Jawn x OJ capsule, we rounded up some heavy East Coast hitters and jump down south to Miami for a week of rips n’ hits. Hit that play button and check John Gardner, Fred Gall, Brian O’Dwyer and the crew hit the nearly endless terrain of Miami. Skate Jawn x OJ Wheels Apparel Capsule available now at skate shops. Can’t find it there? Check out: Filmed by: Elias Parise, Paul Garr, Jake Keenan, & Noah Halpern-McManus Edited by: Elias Parise Hit the link to learn about Elite WAY TOO FAST Urethane: ​​ Click here to shop OJ Wheels: ​​ | Kick it with us on social... Instagram: @ojwheels Facebook: Twitter: @ojwheels Snapchat: oj_wheels
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