Our ancestry is alive, it is in every breath and movement we make, but it is also asleep for many who don’t see it’s ghost in the mirror.
Galdorcræft was born to be the bridge that lets those sleeping ghosts walk free once more!
Based in Staffordshire England it is a fusion of traditional instruments, history, Nature and the world of the gods that once informed our every thought.
The future is the past!
Matthew Wotton - Vocals
Kliff Moon - all instruments and percussion
for þrea Nydum we cwelaþ unnendre heortan
irfe-weardness is sylfra blod
Woden þara haeþenra god
when we’ve got demons as our leaders
if we let them they’ll deceive us
take our hearts and they will bleed us
dry of everything we are
we must take sword and axe and spear
drive out weakness drive out tears
no more run
9 months ago 00:54:57 1
you’re getting called by the All-Father for the final battle