Great Locust Plague 1874-75. The destruction of the Great Plains. Trillions to EXTINCTION in 25 yrs
Howdy ya’ll. Welcome back. Today will be a very interesting, if not made with a heavy heart, video. But first and foremost, this video is dedicated to Stephen Haefner, a friend of mine since I was in the Sixth Grade. Just a few days ago, Stephen passed away. At the end of this video I have a small dedication to Stephen and all he has done for me in his short lifetime.
In today’s video we will be discussing the Great Locust Plague of America which occurred in 1874-1875. This “plague” was marked by trillions of Rocky Mountain Locusts, a relatively undocumented species, emerging from the earth in the mid 1800’s, only to ravage the entire Midwest, leaving it as the empty plain we still see today.
We will discuss the exact details about this Locust Horde, the numbers given (which are simply remarkable), as well as what was done to try to solve the “plague”. Finally, we will discuss the disappearance of this Locust. In 25 years, (1877-1902) population numbers in the tens of trillions dropped to absolute zero, and just as quickly as The Rocky Mountain Locust emerged, it was extinct. Could this have biblical implications?
I will conclude the video with my dedication to Stephen. Thank you all so much for being here. Please leave your thoughts and comments down below, and we will break down this narrative together 👇
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