Democrats Turn their Back on Ukraine and Call on Joe Biden to do the Same | Russia-Ukraine War

As Midterm election loom and the Russia-Ukraine war starts pinching the American economy, Democrats have turned their back on Ukraine and are calling on Joe Biden to do the same. A significant group of Democrats have called on President Joe Biden to pursue direct engagement with Russia to end the war in Ukraine. This wing, called the Squad, has now shot off a letter to Joe Biden, saying it is time to seek an end to the conflict in Ukraine by talking directly with Russia. Watch to know more. Republicans | US Midterm Polls | Democrats | Russia | Ukraine | Joe Biden | Congress | Vladimir Putin | Recession | Inflation | Russia Ukraine War | Economy | Ukraine War Update | NATO | Biden Administration | Geopolitics| Latest News | International News |Firstpost #ukraine #midtermelections #elections #republicans #democrats #economy #ukrainewar #conflict #inflation #weapons #vladimirputin #russia #putin| n18oc_world Subscribe to Firstpost YouTube channel to never miss a video:
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