🚨BREAKING: Kamala’s CRUEL Past Exposed! Innocent Mother’s Nightmare Reveals VP’s True Colors!

🎥 Watch Clint Winters’ pain relief report 🎥 Tap Discover the future of pain relief with Conolidine! In a shocking exposé that’s sending shockwaves through the political landscape, the Next News Network’s RAW FEED, hosted by the fearless Gary Franchi, uncovers a dark chapter in Kamala Harris’s past that she desperately hoped would stay buried. Folks, what we’re about to reveal will make your blood run cold. Remember when Harris promised to fight for Black Lives Matter? Well, it seems some black lives matter more than others to our illustrious Vice President. We’ve uncovered a heart-wrenching story of a black mother arrested and perp-walked on Harris’s orders when she was California’s Attorney General. The crime? Her sick child missed some school days. This isn’t just hypocrisy; it’s a travesty of justice that exposes the true nature of Harris’s brand of “justice.“ The mother, Cheree Peoples, had a daughter with sickle cell anemia, a painful hereditary disease. Despite providing doctor’s notes and keeping the school informed, Peoples found herself arrested, publicly humiliated, and thrust into a two-year legal battle that left her jobless and homeless. But it gets worse. Harris, in her own words, admits to the intoxicating power she wielded as a prosecutor. She boasts about how, with “the swipe of my pen,“ she could arrest someone, jail them for 48 hours, make them lose their job, and forever change their life. Is this the kind of power we want in the Oval Office? This scandal goes beyond one mother’s nightmare. It exposes a pattern of prosecutorial misconduct and abuse of power that defined Harris’s tenure as California’s “top cop.“ From hiding exculpatory evidence to defending corrupt prosecutors, Harris’s record is a litany of injustices that disproportionately affected the very communities she now claims to champion. The mainstream media won’t touch this story. They’re too busy painting Harris as a progressive champion. But we at Next News Network believe you deserve the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. That’s why we’re asking for your support. Your donations keep us on the air, digging deeper, pushing harder, and exposing the stories they don’t want you to hear. Without you, they win. It’s that simple. So if you value real journalism, if you believe in holding power to account, then support us now. Go to or donate via PayPal at Your support isn’t just appreciated – it’s crucial in this fight for truth and justice. This isn’t just about one mother or one truancy law. It’s about the character of someone who could be a heartbeat away from the presidency. It’s about a system that criminalizes poverty and illness, that turns prosecutors into persecutors, and that betrays the very communities it claims to serve. As we continue to unravel Harris’s past and expose the hypocrisy at the heart of her political career, you can bet that the powers that be will try to shut us down. They’ll call us racist, they’ll try to discredit our sources, they’ll do anything to keep this story buried. But we won’t be silenced. With your support, we’ll keep digging, we’ll keep asking the hard questions, and we’ll keep bringing you the truth, no matter where it leads. So don’t wait. Act now. Be a part of this movement to expose the truth and hold those in power accountable. Because if we don’t do it, who will? The stakes have never been higher. The choice has never been clearer. And your voice has never been more important. Join us in this fight for justice, for truth, and for the very soul of our nation. Remember the words of General Michael Flynn: “This fight is not Democrats versus Republicans; it’s about good versus evil.“ We have 47 days to save this Republic. It’s time to rise to the occasion, to get involved, and to make your voice heard. Don’t let Kamala Harris’s dark past be forgotten. Don’t let the victims of her “justice“ be silenced. Stand with us, fight with us, and let’s ensure that the truth prevails. Catch the whole RAW FEED live stream at
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