Morgellons. Parasite whatever. Pulling hair out of skin.
This shit is fucked up. Idk how to explain how creepy i feel knowing i have some weird parasite. I pull this shit out of my eyes. Nose. Ears. Wounds. Theyre even in my teeth. And whatevrr this is hurting me. My eyes always have endless hairs. My teeth were perfect znd healthy. Now theyre rotting from the gum line and i find these hairs or fibers slightly poking out. Tweezers help me grab them.
But the ones ive found recently in my skin are thick actual parasite looking fleshy things as shown in video. And no matter how hard to try to grab with tweezers it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to pull out. Its insane. They end up breaking off in pieces when i wish i could pull out in one clean tug. Skin is very soft and easy to puncture. Well this spot on my leg just felt weird. And low and behold this spot on my skin isnt apart of me. Its like a random spot of false skin and underneath is these leach like things. But also are very fibrous. As you can see by the hair.
Fuck chemptrails. Fuck 21st century terrorism
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ОПАСНОЕ МЯСО ИНДЕЕК! Болезнь Моргеллонов и паразит иглимус