1. Goatpenis - Fatal Equinox (Perpetual Resplendence) 0:00
2. Vasaeleth - Adorned & Iridescent 02:53
3. Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom 06:26
4. Nachtkult - Sieg 11:27
5. Pseudogod - Illusion of Salvation 14:13
6. Der Stürmer - Siegtruppen 19:01
7. Aborted Christ Childe - Black Fathoms 22:29
8. Wulfhere - Donar’s Krieg 24:29
9. Heresiarch - Obsecrating the Global Holocaust 26:08
10. Vaginal Jesus - One Way Ticket to Treblinka 30:21
11. Feldgrau - Zerstorer 31:41
12. Veil - Mater Maternis 35:16
13. Nyogthaeblisz - Theurgia Goetia Morsz 41:24
14. The True Werwolf - Untitled 44:07
15. Sarcófago - Crust 49:22
16. Hellvetron - Shaman of Black Ceremonial Torment 52:35
17. Rev. Kriss Hades - Luciferion 54:34
18. Martial - Latawiec 57:15
19. Dissipation - Scarz of Devotion 59:23
20. Inquisition - Rituals of Human Sacrifice for Lord Baal 1:02:04
21. Ouroboros - Vomiting Gaschamber Perversions 1:08:06
22. Irreverent - Holy Denunciation 1:10:52
23. Satanic Warmaster - Black Metal Death 1:13:57
24. Cremation - Black Cloud Landscape of Infernal Indulgence 1:17:17