Идея RedBull Basement

The problem for all students, even schools or universities, is the lack of incentives to study. I present to you an innovative idea - to combine an online diary and a game system! The implemented project presents the following possibilities: -Receive items that help in further educational life ( X to the score on the exam, 10% discount on coffee, etc.) -Make cosmetic changes to your avatar -Fight together with bosses - sudden quizzes, when you win which you get equipment (not items) Students will have an incentive to collect a lot of objects that will help them in their educational life, but for this they will first have to study a lot;) For teachers who have little knowledge of technology, we will make the simplest and most intuitive interface, made like in ordinary electronic diaries, or even simpler! #лучшеесоздаетсявместе #газпромбанк
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