Typing hand animation | After Effects Tutorial

In this After Effects Tutorial, I’ll show you how to animate this typing hand - without using any effects! ► Download the project file here: Content: 0:00 Intro 0:20 Creating the keyboard 3:15 Creating a hand 4:20 Animating a hand 7:07 Using the graph editor to create organic movements 8:00 Adding details 9:07 Camera pan 10:35 Outro First, we’ll create the keyboard. Using simple shapes and a repeater. Then we’ll add a hand - using a pic from our hand to get the shape right. Next, we’ll animate that path. First a rough animation, then we add more movement to the fingers and finally we’ll use the graph editor to create some organic and natural moves. In the last step, we use a new comp, to create a camera pan, that follows the hand. ► Software: Adobe After Effects 17.7 ► I use music from Artlist: ► I use footage from Artgrid:
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