A true multi-purpose geotechnical drill rig should be able to do many types of drilling and testing. TMG’s CSR line of geotechnical drill rigs are truly that. Multi-purpose, versatile and powerful.
Being able to do wireline core drilling, auger drilling, SPT sampling, CPT testing, DMT testing, Shelby tube testing, window sampling with direct push, DPH and DPL testing – the CSR covers all those needs.
The CSR comes with a hydraulic drill head that has 4 geared speeds and 9,161 ft lbs of torque and 723 max RPM. All those features packed in a small frame and starting at $163,300, you can’t go wrong with the CSR.
Call today for more information at 813-464-2299, or visit our website at , and take a look at our wide range of geotechnical drill rigs.