UNBELIEVABLE! MASSIVE Object Caught SHIELDING Earth From Venus As Comet Leonard Passes!

This is unreal. What is this MASSIVE disc like object that comes from behind earth JUST as Comet Leonard passes in2 view? It can be seen releasing some sort of giant Protective shield . You do NOT see this everyday! THIRD PHASE OF MOON Channel GUFON Channel GUFON LIVE STREAM TONIGHT at 9PM STEREO AHEAD CAM Website SOLAR SYSTEM SCOPE *IF you would like ’2’ Show Your Support * -PAYPAL -PATREON Donate ERC20 CRYPTO CURRENCY LIKE *ETH/USDC/HEX* Send to MetaMask Address: 0x9c199233c731d69A839495242277143028848f95 *Secondary Channel* ’In2thinairNEWS’ *SEND your videos and pictures in to be featured in future videos!* TWITTER @In2ThinAir INSTAGRAM @In2ThinAirNew
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