00:00 Indonesia Maharddika
15:30 Chopin Larung
22:43 Barong Gundah
29:33 Janger 1897 Saka
38:21 Geger Gelgel
50:17 Smaradhana
52:42 Sekar Ginotan
This is a fan-made remaster of the 1977 Indonesian progressive rock classic, Guruh Gipsy, featuring a mix of classic prog rock sounds with Gamelan music.
The album has only been released on cassette, and the quality of the rips available online are not great. This is an attempt to reduce some of the harshness and bring some more body and warmth into the sound.
I used Hit’n’Mix RipX in order to split the track into separate layers for further cont
...rol, so I was able to re-level some things and target some specific issues more transparently.
If anybody has a high quality cassette rip in lossless I could work from let me know. I used the best source I could find for this but feel like there may be better rips out there that I was unable to find.Show more