Bootcamp Calorie Burn - Workout Video - ExerciseTV

Damn!! I Love this routine, it makes all ur body sore in the morning, ur butt, abs, legs, arms everything, a really gd workout if u dnt have time/money to go to the Gym... it takes only 32 mins off of ur life. Alot of u have been askin...:“How many calories did I just burn??“ Well as @cmenochs said:- everyone burns calories differently, it depends on how much work you put into it, your weight, height, etc. I would suggest buying a heart monitor, it will tell you exactly how many calories you burn specific to you. althougn they can be expensive unfortunately Hope u enjoy it’s hard for you then don’t worry, just keep working out it’ll get easier easier.... stay healthy. 1)Drink lots of water during the day a glass before u start working out. 2)Eat brown bread brown rice instead of white 3)use olive oil (It doesn’t mean that it has less calories, BUT it’s much healthier) u wanna stay fit AND healthy =) 4)Eat in small
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