⚤lPonyMVl⚤ Sorry That I Loved You -✧

Ponies! Ponies! This seems to be the hype of the year since I’m using their content I figured to make a ponymash 100% of ponies! The ponies teach a lot of great things and I must say it wouldn’t be possible for me to make the best decision in my life if it was noty for them. Friendship maybe be hard but its worth fighting for during my academic abscence I lost contact with a lot of friend but I now see purpose despite all condition that they are worth fighting. Martin Luther King jr said A man has no reason to live if he is not willing to die for his purpose. I started this youtube to make international friends and that is what I’m going to do till the end! Free Footage! _________ “Sorry That I Loved You“ © Anthony Neely My Little Pony:Friendship is magic - - - - © Hasbro Studios---- All videos and music are copyrighted by their respective artist and owners and record labels. I mean for no
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