This is the third video about the Volca Modular and it’s all about hooking the Volca to other gear - especially the Kastle 1.5 digital synth from Bastl Instruments. I think it’s a pretty amazing combination! For more info about the Volca Modular make sure to check out the first two videos: walkthrough() and Patching/LFOs().
00:00 Robot Fight!
00:30 Whoops! The Audio Frequency LFO on the VM can be pushed to higher frequencies.
04:40 Using the Arturia BeatStep with the VM
06:00 BeatStep as a way to get DAW MIDI into the VM
06:35 Using the Arturia KeyStep with the VM
07:45 Using the Korg SQ-1 with the VM
08:30 Discussion of the CV “limitations“ of the VM, as is.
09:45 Discussion of the Kastle 1.5.
10:50 The Kastle I/O port gives 2 new CV paths for either input or output (or both).
12:00 Kastle Volca things from here on out. The Bastl Dude mixer is quite helpful in all of this. You also might want a couple of Y-cables (stereo to dual mono ) and maybe an inline attenuator ( TRS male on each end, an inexpensive one for headphones seems to work fine).
12:40 Grounding. It’s not hard in this case. ADDENDUM: It looks like audio-only grounding (via the Dude) is fouled up by using an inline volume control, at least for the ones I have. So [I/O] to CV-in is good, or both main audios to the Dude with plain cables is also fine
14:00 Discussion and an instructive patch.
17:42 CLIP1
Kastle: (max), Osc Pitc(10 O’clock), Osc Timbre(min), LFO Rate(2:00)
VM: Ratio(11:30), Fold(min), Mod(11:00), Attack(min), Release(10:00), Shape(9:00), Time(12:00), (max), (12:00), Space(min)
note: Kastle patchpoints indicated by [ ].
, , --[waveshape], --[], --[], [osc2], [], --[I/O.L].
3 audio outs: Volca, Kastle Main, and Kastle I/O (1 out)
19:20 It’s tough to control pitch with a mod strip.
19:50 CLIP2
Kastle: (max), Waveshape(min), Osc Pitch(min), Osc Timbre(max), LFO Rate(10:00)
VM: Ratio(min), Fold(vary), Mod(12:00), Attack(min), Release(12:00), LPG1(11:00), c(12:00), LPG2(max), Space(min)
, , , , , , a b*c--[], [osc1]--[osc2], [osc2], []--[waveshape], []
2 audio outs: Volca, Kastle Main
21:50 CLIP3
Kastle: (10:00), (3:00), Waveshape(10:00), Osc Pitch(9:00), Osc Timbre(10:00), LFO Rate(9:30).
VM: Ratio(1:00), Fold(min), Mod(min), Attack(min), Release(max), Shape(max), Time(max), (vary), (vary), c(max), Space(10:00)
, , , --[I/O.L], [osc2], a b*, --[], --[I/O.R], [ ]--[mode], []--[waveshape], --[]
4 audio outs: Volca, Kastle Main, Kastle I/O (2 outs)
23:55 CLIP4 (2 chained sequences, one is in Stochastic mode)
Kastle: (10:00), (max), Waveshape(10:00), Osc Pitch(9:30), Osc Timbre(10:00), LFO Rate(12:00), Ratio(min), Fold(1:00), Mod(12:00), Attack(min), Release(10:00), Shape(9:00), Time(1:00), (max), c(1:00), (max), Space(min)
Clock./4--a, Clock./3--b, a b*c--[], clock./, , [osc2], []--Fold, []--[waveshape], []--[]
2 audio outs: Volca, Kastle Main
25:15 Outro
26:30 Ender - Volca Modular running through the amazing Transmisser reverb from Earthquaker Devices. Changing sequences and tweaking envelopes in realtime. There is some crackle and pop from where I hotswitched a pin cable to move the sequence quickly to a higher pitch (i.e. I switched from to with the ratio set at an interval above). I WISH I HAD THOUGHT, at the time, about just using the Dude to crossfade the two signals. I may try that for an Instagram clip.
1 view
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