Saša Lošić feat. Jasna Žalica ~ Look what a moon
The best version of this song, all praises !!
Look, what a moon, look, what a sea…
After tonight, I will have to be without you.
Crazy about love, I’d like to die,
while the moon is watching me from up there.
Only regret is left,
because I sinned in desiring you so much.
Now I’m alone and I’d like to be able to tell you:
look what a moon, look what a sea…
Just look, what a moon… look, what a sea…
In this night, without you, I’d like to die,
because I’m alone and I’d like to be able to tell you:
look, what a moon, look, what a sea…
look, what a moon, look, what a sea…
Jasna Žalica (Sarajevo, 1968.)
Bosanskohercegovačka glumica.
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