NATO PDW trials: the forbidden saga of “MP7 vs P90“ [ Collab with Oxide ]

Watch latest videos, sometimes even early releases! Sign up for the newsletter: European NATO members in the 90’s had started a solicitation for a new PDW concept of weapons, that coined the term “Personal Defense Weapons“. Despite the term being widespread, most people do not actually know what the NATO PDW trials hosted in 2000-2002 were looking for... and the trial reports have been difficult to find and reference. We found the NATO Army Armaments Group trials reports from 2002 and started a deep research trail on exactly what NATO saw in the PDW program. Which weapon won? The FN P90 or HK MP7? Who benefitted the most from this project? Download the trial report here and read for yourself: Check out Oxide’s video on the armor test here: Consider supporting us via Patreon 👉 (you an also access the Practical Accuracy Scoreboard her
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