Grover Furr on the “Holodomor“ Myth & Ukrainian Fascism

Further writings on this by Furr: ~furrg/ He touches on this in other lectures of his, you can also read more about it in his book “Bloodlies”, Doug Tottle’s book Fraud, Famine, and Fascism, Mark Tauger’s book on Soviet Agriculture, and Ludo Martens has a great section on it in his book Another View of Stalin - all free on libgen. This lecture is from March 2014, right around the time of the US-backed coup in Ukraine. I thought what he had to say about the ideology these people adhere to and uphold was interesting. If you sub to me i’m sure you know about the N@zis in Ukraine, i’m sure you’ve heard of Bandera, but hearing a historian like Grover talk about it in 2014 was great. full lecture:
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