Alfred Leopold Isidor Kubin / Alfred Kubin (Austrian - 1877-1959) was one of the major graphic artists of the 20th century who was widely known for his illustrations of writers of the fantastic such as Balzac, . Hoffmann, Gustav Meyrink and Edgar Allan Poe. In his combination of the darkly decadent, the fantastic and the grotesque, in his evocations of dream and nightmare, his creation of an atmosphere of mystery and fear he resembles Mervyn Peake. The Other Side is his only literary work. Like Peake’s
13 years ago 00:10:31 13
Alfred Kubin
10 years ago 00:04:03 12
Alfred Kubin - Evocations of Dream and Nightmare
10 years ago 00:15:10 132
Maxim Shalygin “Suite - homage to Alfred Schnittke“ for 3 celli
13 years ago 00:00:42 15
Alfred Kubin in seinem Arbeitszimmer
13 years ago 00:04:35 19
Jenkins - Dies Irae
10 years ago 00:07:17 27
Felix Kubin - Zemsta Plutona live at Westwerk
8 years ago 00:15:15 6
Hans Erich Apostel: Kubiniana, (1946)
2 years ago 00:05:10 1
Obskene Sonare - Der beste Arzt
4 years ago 00:20:02 5
Mgła - Presence (2006) Full EP
4 years ago 00:04:49 4
Allerseelen: Staubdämonen. Demons of Dust.
2 years ago 00:49:37 5
Tour of my art books (part 1)
1 year ago 00:17:51 1
Candid female images in soft watercolor strokes: Paintings by the expressionist artist Jules Pascin