Magpie attacks cyclist on his way back from work every day

A man says he has a magpie “nemesis” after the bird singled him and attacked him every day after work. Alejandro Ríos, 25, says he was the target of the swooping bird for several days. As he cycled home from work in Brisbane, Australia, the bird swooped down to chase him and peck at his head covered by a helmet. After a few attacks from the bird, Alejandro learned to find the humour in being targeted. He said: “I was only really worried the first time. By the end, it was funny because I knew it was coming. “I still made sure that I could stop it from getting at my eyes.” Watch more videos at the Independent TV: Click here to subscribe to The Independent: About The Independent: Making Change Happen. The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Connect with The Ind
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