Beri Weber - Hamelech - Official Music Video | בערי וועבר - המלך - קליפ רשמי
Uman Rosh Hashanah has become the biggest Jewish migration outside of Eretz Yisreol.
Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the Hebrew Calendar because its the Birthday of Adam and the day he and a Chava ate from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
As a result this day is now known as “The day of Judgment”, and the day that the jewish people take apon themselves to crown Hashem as King of the universe and with that we try to sweeten the decrees.
The Heiliga Rebbe Reb Nachman of Breslov said:
“Everything about me is Rosh Hashana!”
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5 months ago 00:04:36 1
Yachad - Beri Weber | Official Music Video | בערי וועבער - יחד | קליפ רשמי