Beri Weber - Parsha | בערי וועבער - פרשה | Official Music Video
We live in an interconnected world, with constant socialization. We are given windows into the private struggles of others, and while we do gain inspiration, a tendency can develop to live off that negative energy. This can make it difficult to focus on our own struggles and rise above.
Chazal say that Yisroel is an acronym for “Yesh Shishim Ribo Osiyos Latoirah.” There are 600,000 letters in the Torah. There are 600,000 sparks of light that are meant to enlighten our souls that are divided into 600,000 souls. The Torah is the remedy that brings light into the darkness. Every Jewish person is born with a divine spark, and the strength, capability and talent to fulfill the spark and bring light to people around them.
Sometimes, in our journey towards helping others and sharing light, we can get lost in the darkness. Rebbe Nachaman guides us: “Zeh Massah Sheli…” This is his story, his struggle, and this is my struggle. My challenge is for me to grow and thrive from my story and anoth
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Yachad - Beri Weber | Official Music Video | בערי וועבער - יחד | קליפ רשמי